Which one from those pictures that is living thing?
Yes, you are right!!!........the answer is the babies.
You choose the wrong picture?!!! My God, than you have to read this article!
You already choose the baby?
I suggest you read this to understand why....:)
The Characteristics of living thing are:
Every organism(=living thing) can change potition from one point to another point by itself. They have internal movement (movement that you cannot see clearly but it happen inside your body, ex: your heart beat) although not all of them have external movement ( ex:your leg move when you walk)
If you want to see examples of growing and and internal movement, try to click this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCg9Hnm4kPA&feature=related
Every organism need to do respiration, in this process the nutrition (in the picture: sugar (C6H12O6)) are break down to produce energy. when this process happen you inhale Oxygen (O2) and exhale Carbon dioxide(CO2).


Every organism has respond to the stimuli (=rangsangan), a good example is on Mimosa pudica. The respond shown by how the leaves closed when the stimuli (touch by pencil) applied.
Grow and Develop
Have you realize your height increase year by year? That is growing.
you can watch how the root grow from this:
How about develop? Look at this picture below, this is develop!
Can you differentiate between grow and develop?
All organism finaly will die, so they need to reproduce too prevent from extinction. Reproduce means produce offspring to maintain the continuity of it's kind. The way...give birth, laying egg, divided them shelf....etc

Every organism produce waste product as the result of metabolism (chemical activity) inside the body.
Do you remember what happened when you feel hot or had done lots of sport? you produce sweat...and that is the result of excretion. another form? Exhaled air (CO2), urine, etc.
Some plants will actively secrete waste compounds into the soil, occasionally using them as chemical weapons against other competing plants!

Juglone (produced by black walnut (Juglans nigra)) is one of many plant-produced chemicals that can harm other plants in a process known as allelopathy. The production and release of substances by a plant that are toxic to neighboring plants is called allelopathy.
Oxygen can be looked upon as a waste product of photosynthesis and Carbon dioxide a waste product of respiration; water is a waste product of both. You know how the gases are lost from leaves - don't you? Water will be lost through transpiration or just used for maintaining turgor in cells.
All organism absorb nutrients from their environment, they need this nutrient for growth and as the source of energy to do daily activities.
How if there is a thing that has three or four characteristics of a living thing? can you decide this thing as a living thing?
To answer this, answer my questions below!
Are you a living thing?
How many from the characteristics of living things that you have?
How about the grass, is it a living thing?
How many from the characteristics of living thing that the grass have?
So...... all living things must have all of the characteristics of living thing, if the thing only have some of its than this is not a living thing!!!!!
For further information, please send your email to miss.maria.irawati@gmail.com
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