Observation means using our five senses to collect data, you have to tell or describe what your five sense see, feel, smell, taste, heard, etc.
Prediction means from your observation data you can conclude what will be happen in the future.
From these topics I believed that inference is the hardest one. Try this:
You make an inference when you use clues from the observation that you make to figure out something that the object you observe doesn’t tell you. You cannot see it, but from what you see you can conclude something else.

From this picture I can make an inference:
There is a woman standing on the street in the afternoon.
Can you see the woman?
Of course not, but how can I make the inference?
From my observation:
1. There is a long shadow® afternoon
2. The shadows figure shows long hair person wearing a skirt®woman
Now try this exercise:
Make observations, inference and prediction from this picture:

picture are taken from:
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