Saturday, January 10, 2009

Plant Classification-Assignment 2

Dear all,

After we discuss ferns and mosses you brought to the lab last friday......

( My best compliment to 7 B who brought exelent samples too the lab and no groups forgot, 7C....thank you for trying to do your best but I hope next assignment you could be more prepared and take the responsibility as a group)

our next assignment........
(7B: Wed, 14th January 2009, 7C: Mon, 12th January 2009)
  • type: group task
  • location: Biology Laboratory
  • Assignment:
  1. bring sample of flower, leaf, and stem of dicots plant (minimum one for each)
  2. bring sample of flower, leaf, and stem of monocots plant (minimum one for each)
  3. bring sample of dicots plant's root (minimum one, clean and not in the soil; for bonus point)
  4. bring sample of dmonocots plant's root (minimum one, clean and not in the soil; for bonus point)

All of the samples might be taken from different kind of plant as long as you know the name of the plant (ex: flower from rosses, leaf from grass and the stem from mango tree^ ^)

And please, don't bother to ask rosses are dicots or monocots,
thats you too decide and will be part of your score for this assignment.
You can find out by reading your previous note or ask your friends and family, or......find yourself via books or internet

NB: special assignment for 7C and I_ _

happy searching.............^ ^

For further information, please send your email to

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